Friday, December 3, 2010
Through the $5 donation for the tables along with the 50/50 we are able to donate a total of $175 to a local charity. Last year we donated to Kawartha Lakes Food Source. This year I would like to donate the $175 to the Santa Claus Stocking Fund. Last year, through the Stocking Fund 823 children in the Kawartha Lakes area were able to enjoy a happy Christmas. Over 98% of donations directly benefit the children of our community. The Stocking Fund has great support from the local newspapers, businesses, BobFm and .... the ladies of WiN. Thank you!
Thank you too for your donations of non-perishable food items.
Here is our WiN meeting "line-up" for the New Year
January - No meeting
Thursday, Feb 3 - Guest speaker Charlene Vandenburg, Hol Health
Thursday, Mar 3 - Bookie Bell, Point Zero Painting
Thursday, Apr 7 - Patty Hall, Isagenix
Thursday, May 5 - Heather Chapman, Silpada
Guest speaker spots are open to all members, please let me know if you are interested.
I usually finish each meeting with a note from the Universe but I didn't get to yesterday, there are 2 that I would like to leave you with to send you into the holiday season and new year....
It's not as if one day you'll look down and discover that you're on the yellow brick road, living the life of your dreams. But that one day you'll look back and discover you always have been.
What if it was your downtime, your lounging-in-bed-too-long time, your walkabout time, and your blow-Friday-off time that made possible your greatest achievements? Would they still make you feel guilty? Or would you allow yourself to enjoy them?
Happy holidays everyone! Enjoy your "downtime" you all deserve it!
Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
Warm wishes,
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Thursday, November 25, 2010
WiN Meeting - Thursday, December 2nd
Well December is fast approaching and our Dec. WiN meeting and Christmas Tradeshow/Bazaar is next Thursday, Dec. 2nd. If you are not on the list as a vendor please let me know if you will be attending. Full details attached.
This is a great meeting to introduce friends and colleagues to the WiN group, pass along the attached flyer and bring a guest or two! The Dec. meeting fee is $15 for both members and guests which includes a light lunch.
Please bring along a small door prize if you can and if you are able a non-perishable food item would be wonderful too as I will be making a trip to the food bank after the meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
Warm regards,
Heather Chapman

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Who encourages your creativity? Moleskine plug!
PUNCHES through the clutter of your life...

Who thinks in brilliant terms but from real world experience
Who pumps out ideas and touch points to inspire and challenge
Someone in my world who does this with consistency is Promod Sharma.
He SHOULD be a boring nerd being an actuary with decades of business experience.
These days he's an advisor to professionals in the financial sector ( website & blog )
I know him as the original Seth Godin fan and marketing zeitgeist monitor.
With some killer blogs on marketing.
Every issue always has something to tempt my imagination.
Last month he highlighted

I've always been a fan, but my shelf looked like this.
Then a series of articles in newspapers and magazines and two network contacts converted me to.....the moleskine.
Sure it's got a great marketing spiel. But it's the many stories of brilliant people who have used it along the way and the many small details that make it best in class.

I read about 2 books a week and listen to another 2 on audio. The non-floppy but small size allows me to write while jammed in shaky buses, subways, on the side of the road in my car, or in a daze on my nightstand.
They store well for easy reference. I have different colours by topic: black for audio books, red for written books, brown for networking. If you're a fellow user, check out this great list of tips for using your moleskine!
Killer tip - a mentor of mine named Keith Lohnes of the Salvation Army (who has been around the world and back in service of humanity) transformed my world by sharing that he keeps 3, just 3 post-it notes stuck in every notebook and wallet. For transferring ideas, sharing things with contacts and reminde

So, how do you capture your brilliance and who is stoking your fire on a regular basis?
Topic of conversation when we meet next.
In the mean time. Promod Sharma rules.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Moment of Silence on November 11

Today we Remember.
I would love to hear your stories of Remembrance - here's mine.
It's no secret, UofT is in my blood
When I was a student at the University of Toronto I visited the Soldiers' Tower, Canada's second largest war memorial each November 11.
My first year I went up to the "memorial room", the University of Toronto's museum of Remembrance. There was a panoramic picture from the Great War, of students who were going to war, all lined up on front campus. They looked no different than me. I realized then the only difference between us was when we were born.
When I worked for the University I got connected to the Soldiers' Tower Committee who stewards the Tower. I can't tell you the real life stories of Veterans I learned. It's not the ones that died, it's the ones that returned home and never really lived a normal life.
If you know my pers

Each year since 2004 I take the day off and help run the UofT Remembrance Day events.
I have no doubt that you'll join me today in a moment of silence at 11am.
Here are a couple

It was truly thoughtful and respectful, with the actual names of the alumni on each cross.
I am an arts student - so I truly feel that

And if turds can respect and remember....
Can't we all?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Time to get serious about looking

I have a lot of tips to escape the HR toilet bowl swirl of internet application madness.
That's the easy path.
But I have in my network, what I call "the army of the passionate", at least 50 people who are "looking".

Tonight I sat on the phone and listened to the story of a bully boss who reduced a peer to tears.
I've heard this story too many times.
Like Jimmy McMillan of "The Rent is Too Damn High" party running for Mayor of New York - I don't have chance

But like Jimmy, I have to say my piece and run anyway.
Perhaps I can change just a few lives.
Maybe....just yours.
If I can, I'll certainly die happy.
I can't take any more stories of mothers fired on maternity leave, phone throwing, swearing, threats, miscarriages due to bosses, serious health risks because of some power tripping dirt bag. I can't fight them, but I have to do something.
So! I have started a list in my LinkedIn contacts.
It's 100% confidential, I will not share your intention with anyone without talking to you first.

Let's get you to a healthy place, a positive place, a place where you can do and be at your best.
Where you are succeeding not in SPITE of
but BECAUSE of your team.
Email me today at paulnazareth @ rogers dot com and I'll add you to this list.
The HR process is broken, it's time to get a little more skin in the game (you and me both!) and network like we mean it!
Ready to claim the job you deserve?
The challenge you were born for?
Let's make like a tree - and get you out of there!
Why Starbucks rules

(Updated 2012)
Starbucks means business.
Tim Hortons is Facebook.
Starbucks is LinkedIn.
Got to share this story. It is both cool and shares my addiction at the same time.
I had seven client meetings in one day, one after another. 7am to 7pm.
Four were in different Starbucks over a 20km radius.
I had one, one hour break in between my first and second meeting. Right next to my next meeting...was a Starbucks. So I went in.
Shut up. I know it's sad, but as I tell my little one.

As I'm putting sugar in my coffee, I look to my left and sitting there is one of my LinkedIn connections ( an author ) who I'd pay money to listen to any time.
We get 15 quality minutes together.
Then as I'm getting up to leave, a guy approaches me noticing my "" bag and strikes up a conversation. This gentleman is a sector leader in my business and will launch at the largest fundraising conference in Canada, the single most interesting technology item that I've been waiting for, for the last ten years.
We've already booked a follow up meeting.
All that in less than 45 minutes.
This happens to me all the time. I can't share enough about using Starbucks as a networking hub, whether you drink coffee or not.

I do have to figure out how to get the coffee smell out of my suits though.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
If you seek adventure - meet The Doctor
The hot session gains buzz
people switch, the room is full
At AFP Congress in 2009, the largest fundraising conference in Canada,
the session was "Philanthropy is so ...20th Century!"
And I met this guy - Jon Duschinsky
The session was so full I had to go out and get more chairs twice. It was still standing room only. The speaker was riveting and terrifying all at the same time. Making us think about the past, present and future of this sector in consideration of the "benevolent cloud" Vs. Decades of neat little donors sorted into databases and respond to prompts by mail and phone
So challenging was his talk that a senior fundraiser stood up, almost enraged and said "NO!" in so many words "donors must do what we tell them"
His answer "too late".
"The future is now, they have the power and we have to deal with it".
This was not some young punk talking about the potential of Facebook and text donations. This is someone who knows research, who the largest fundraising Association in the world had felt confident enough to publish. Someone who is in dialogue with fundraisers around the world..
Like the other 200 people in the room. I wanted more.
So I bought

It didn't disappoint.
I reached out to the author.
HE didn't disappoint.
Since then we have talked a number of times and keep in touch.
I challenged him to help some fundraising students at a Humber Fundraising Network event I was planning. Jon showed up and was as gracious and challenging as ever.
His brilliance is only outdone by his authenticity and shared zeal for our work.
I wanted to give him a nickname, but I realized by my last blog post tha

Jon is all about the UK and the European fundraising scene. He's thoughtful, brilliant, adventurous, unpredictable and that hair!
Not only is he Dr. Who - he is the greatest Doctor of them all. Tom Baker.

Want to learn more?
Check out the site, read the book, check out Jon
Keep an eye on this guy - I often wonder what the future of philanthropy looks like.
But I know one thing for sure.
Jon will be there, leading the way.
You be the change Jon. I'll be there, along for the ride.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The gift of a soapbox

Will do you good.
Yes. It's a Cheryl Crow song.
But it's something we know instinctively but reject and fear daily. I've been dreading it for years now.
Thanks to many mentors, peers and those I've helped - I've gained the experience, perspective and most of all the courage to accept and make a little change in my life today.
No I'm not leaving my current gig - anyone who knows me knows I love it. But that's something I do for myself. My obsession and personal challenge.
I have accepted a faculty position, a part time teaching job at Georgian College.
I've had a chance to speak and teach on the subject - more recently thanks to the Humber Fundraising program, the Association of Fundraising Professionals and less recently the Canadian Association of Gift Planners who has had a huge impact on my career and life.
Thanks to all of the above and below this has become more of a love affair than just a career.
This teaching gig will allow me to empower others.
It will give me a chance to accelerate the missions of many charities.
In a small way it will allow me to give back and maybe shape the profession I deeply love.

I have strong beliefs on this sector.
This profession. Our shared future.
To pass on the many gifts of people I've studied under and watched, leaders in my community:
- The analytical power of Linda Pearson
- The process driven mind of Jill Nelson
- The magical positive productive world of Ann Rosenfield
- The Jerry McGuire of Planned Giving - Fraser Green
- Our mad scientist - David Love
- Our Captain Jack Sparrow - Ken Ramsay
- Our guardian angel, Dr. Pearce
- Mr. Hilborn, Hochstadt and Charters - Men of the printed word
- The many advisors in law ( Sweatman, Blumenfeld, Blumberg, Ponesse )
advised funds ( Ryan, Thorne, Burrows )
finance ( Two words - Ralph Smith! )
accounting ( Mr. Osborne, I do respect math )
and so many more who educated me in what they do so I can do what I do better...
And of course, our original Master and Commander
- Frank Minton and Lorna Somers....who gave me the time of day in my early years.
I once cornered well known financier Don Johnson in the washroom of a book launch to tell him that he was a rock star in my mind for his role in securities tax change...I should be thankful he doesn't carry mace..
So many of you gave of your experience and knowledge - I'm finally paying dividends on your investment. Thank you for making it.
Today, just like the person at the top of this tower.I realize I'm standing on the shoulders of many.
Thank you.
You have my humble gratitude.
This is a pretty damn cool opportunity.
Most of all, thank you Georgian College!
I'm joining another great team.
And look forward to the days ahead.
As Cheryl Crow would say. Every day is a winding road.
Ps. My wife isn't going to kill me. Yet.
We've had to adjust my weekly networking time allotment.
Sorry network, no more meetings after 5pm.
7am - 8:45am only.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Slowing down for stress sickness
In my case it's no surprise to anyone.
'cept me of course.
So I've been moving every weekend for work / weddings / family obligations every single day since the end of August. Almost sixty days straight.
I've been on adrenaline so long my blood my qualifies as a performance-enhancing substance. This was the weekend I was going to "slow down". As soon as that message hit my brain - the wave of chemicals I was riding was cut off and sickness took me in 24 hours.
I have read so many business books and articles about this. I never learn.
Maybe someone else can learn from my vast stupidity.
Within this stupid-sea, a moment of beauty: Today is a most beautiful fall day in Toronto. I had to go return the gorgeous brand new Prius I used to drive to a meeting yesterday. Driving sick made me slow down, and it was then I found the power of the electric car...

I got about ten honks and five middle fingers. The Prius on electric is no race car. Thanks to Zipcar I drove a Mustang GT this past summer. The engine is like a Tiger getting ready to pounce.
When you hit the gas on a Prius electric it's like an old man screaming into the wind.
But - it was a truly beautiful moment of peace.
As usual. Forced upon me.
Will the same moment be forced upon you?
Or will you MAKE it.

Problem with speaking, Paul's secret singing
But it's not easy to say this.
I like ... musicals. I see you smirking!!
It was the disney stuff that put me to sleep.
It was Rocky Horror that woke me up.

In University my girlfriend ( now wife ) exposed me to the original "RENT" and the obligatory anniversary visit to "Mamma Mia"
BUT! It wasn't until the movies came out that I really connected.
I will not enter into a debate about how bad Pierce Brosnan sings. He is James Bond.
This past week I drove a few hundred kilometres to speak to some profe

Calms my speaker-nerves.
Jerry Seinfeld quoted the true statistic that on a top five list of fears, death was number five and public speaking was number one. Resulting in the quip - "Most people would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy!"
And it reminded me of someone I wanted you to meet.
Could you speak to this audience? Be that little dot on stage?
Everyone knows that on

Enter Bonnie Gross and Speech Science. Secret to several of Canada's MBA Schools and many corporate clients.
Some not so corporate like preachers and teachers too.
I met her that fateful evening on my visit to Verity (a Toronto Women's Executive Network ) and was so happy to finally find someone I could connect these people with.
I met her again to make sure she was of the passionate, kind and empowering school I subscribe to -she sure was.
So! If you meet one of these international superstars who could use a little help, connect them with Bonnie.

If you aren't sure if you like musicals or not the incredibly clever and fun "Wicked" is in Toronto right now.
It is a virtually guaranteed fun night out.
Less painful on dudes than MM and Rent too.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
WiN Meeting - Thursday, November 4th
It's that time again... our next meeting is Thursday, November 4th and our guest speaker is Joan Ann Evelyn of Astrological Consultations. Full details below.
Please let me know if you will be attending. Thanks to those who have already responded.
December Bazaar: Please let me know if you would like to reserve a spot for the December Bazaar/Tradeshow. The following is a list of those who have already reserved...
Patricia Hughes - Lia Sophia
Rhonda Belous - True Self
Charlene Vanderburg - Hol Health/Nikken
Pam Mansfield - Bookkeeping Plus
Joyce McCulloch - Free Life
Susan Peirce - Sunrise Graphics
Cathy Raven - PartyLite
Marlene Marco - My Shopping Genie
Pam Dunsford - Style By Design
Eileen Thompson - Avon
Angela Peters - Mary Kay
Heather Chapman - Silpada Designs
Debbie Karpenko - Waterfront Interiors
Silver Connections
Rachel Jenkins - Photograph
Patty Hall - Isagenix Int & Wellness Trainer
Donna Salich - Greenshire Eco Farms
June English - Investors Group
I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
Warm regards,

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Speaking to the next generation - New College
To speak to myself at age 20. Kind of.
My alma mater, New College at the University of Toronto was running a very dynamic student leadership symposium and gave the honour of being the speaker at the closing reception.
To speak to young people who are so full of powerful potential - who all attend an institution that truly changed my life for the better has been something I've always wanted to do.
It went quite well, I'm already engaged in helping several of the attendees but in case the words can help anyone else - here's a short version of that talk:
A French diplomat known for deep thinking once said "I'm more afraid of an army of 100 sheep lead by one Lion Thank an army of 100 Lions lead by one sheep"
You've spent the day considering the lion in you and what army you may be called to lead.
I'm here today because I have studied people, I work with a lot of them, rich and poor, young and old and I have learned from every single one - my life motto is "if hindsight is 20/20, I want to have the clear vision of other's learned wisdom". I hope a little of what I have learned since I left the seat you're sitting in can be of help to you today and tomorrow.
I will share with you two secrets, two dangers, two life changing tools and one challenge. It is my hope that it will have a positive impact on your life.
Secret one - the secret of the rich - ten people - meet here on campus. Student councils, residence groups, sports, debating, art, ping pong, gay cinema - whatever. They share values, interests, and build trust before getting the all important diploma. Go separate ways. Five years pass, one gets another a really good job, two are dating, one is overseas, two enter school - business/masters, the rest are bums working at Starbucks, Tim Hortons and heaven forbid, Coffee Time. Ten years - lawyer, married, children, more job help, bums turn into mechanics, doctors, business owners, real estate agents, financial planners.
When you need these professionals in life, you go in search of someone you trust. People would always rather do business with someone they know to be trust worthy. Look to your left and right - here they are.
I'm here today as living proof, you see I was one of the bums.
I had 30+ friends in the group. Next month we will gather just off campus and celebrate 15 years of friendship. 8 of those friends are married to each other. I met a wonderful woman at orientation, became friends in the commuter lounge, started dating after become student leaders together and now we are happily married. We are one of four new college relationships started through study groups, dragon boat and volunteer events just like this one. Tomorrow ladies and gentlemen I will MC the wedding of a New College friend - much of that original group that met through New College leadership will be present. Would you like this to be your future?
First let's talk about Secret two - The fleeting power of youth. You will only get one "first". First job, first career, proposal, marriage, baby, house, car - these are magic moments and what young people don't know is that when we are young and broke these firsts possess a power over the older and successful. They want to feel that energy, rejoice in your success, take part in your joy - all you have to do is let them in. It's the reference from the New College mentorship program to get your first job. Help from a UofT contact for your wedding. A tip from an alumni to join a board. Let people help you and do it for others and you'll keep that magic in your life. After my wedding my good friend and I created a concept we call wedding whisperer's. I've worked on 30 weddings in 6 years, MC'd 6 new college weddings and saved my friends time, money and helped them enjoy their special day. Make no mistake, I had a heck of a lot fun while doing it too because these are my strengths put to good use.
On to the dangers. Danger one - walking off this campus with nothing but that piece of paper. Make no mistake folks, there is money and success in volunteerism, not just good on the resume but leadership and management experience will boost that salary, get you that job and help you close that sale. I volunteered for a charity called gratitude and worked the phones, honestly for a bucket of chicken for my friends for dinner one night. It turned into a career in non-profit and the adventure of a life time. I have touched over 100 million dollars in donations, met celebrities, important people and launched the campus dreams of hundreds, including my own which involves a renovated commuter lounge when I die. So! Find your fetish, something you really love, unhealthily love, is it chess at Hart House, whiffle ball at the AC, something nasty to do with poetry on the other side of Queen's park where those dirty artsies hang out? Do it for love, the philosopher's stone was said to be the mythical element that helped transform lead into gold - in the world of jobs Vs. Careers that element is passion and passion is just another word for I love it so much that it makes others uncomfortable. Don’t let academics, staff, registrars, parents or yourself fool you into thinking the paper or the letters behind your name is the only reason you’re here. They are only half the reason – finding out what exactly your super power is and how to use it is the other half. Don’t neglect either.
Danger two! The tyranny of choice. Your parents like to give you a hard time because they had no choices and you have every one in the world. How is that easier? We are an ADD society, if you are bored for more than on millisecond there's app for that. Dream big, follow that passion but here's the trick to making sure you eat at the end of the day. It's called the informational interview - find the person with that job who loves it - meet them for coffee - CEO or Zoo keeper and ask them to complain about how long it took them to get here. Through their complaints they will reveal the secret to your success. Ask them what you should be doing with the next five years to get to where they are and they'll coach you, help you make it happen - that magic of "first" I talked about. Commit to the now work hard in the moment but plan for the future and work on it a little every day. If you want a salad you don't plant tomatoes at 8am and eat at 5pm. You want the good stuff, it takes time, patience, cultivation. You want good, buy a salad at Metro. You want GREAT, be the farmer of your own success.
Today you spent time doing Myers Briggs and learning the concept of "mindfulness" - this is not hippie stuff people. Let me tell you corporations pay big bucks to have their leaders do this stuff because there is power in knowing yourself, what gives and takes away energy and how to focus that energy in a moment. It's the difference between punching a clock and being the office rock star.
Life changing tool 1. Young alumni status. Don't waste it. One day UofT and New College will ask you for money. When I was on campus my friends and I "partook" in food at the end of a reception every night for three years - the world's cheapest meal plan. I met my wife in that quad, I met my best friend in that office, there were good times here. So I'll pay gladly. BUT when you get out and have nothing, know that UofT is here to help you get something! Mentoring programs, martini bar alumni events (called "shaker"), events in every major city in the world, an amazing alumni magazine, discount financial advice, life insurance, car insurance, email for life, a private club and athletics deals. Use it. If it does for you what it did for me - be ready to give when they call. If all you have in 20 years is that piece of paper in a frame on your parent's wall. That's your own damn fault.
Tool #2 - we're almost done. When we graduate, leave, get kicked out people move out of home, travel, get jobs it was really hard to keep in touch. Sure we have facebook but that's just too damn messy. There is a facebook of business and it's called LinkedIn. More powerful than a resume, it's a web 2.0 digital conversation about your passion and success. I have used it to meet heroes, authors, celebrities, mentors and reconnect with friends that I can now do business with – low maintenance - no Christmas cards, business cards, when things change in my life, city, job, face, you know, when I need you, we're ready to go. Caught up and all about making change.
But first my challenge. To find your passion, your method to find magic is through networking. I have all the books you'll need but mark my words, beware type A people. The secret of networking is that you have two ears and one mouth and you'll make money if you use them in that proportion. When working with the Vice President of the Student Council when I was Orientation Marshall I asked her how such a quiet person won a college-wide election and knows so many people, "she said, I feel it's better to be thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". I asked her, "are you talking about me"?! I married that woman. We made a great team then, make a great team now.
So please live this challenge, do this for others. I have some prizes today, I challenge all the winners to figure out a way to use them to network! Use this gift cards to invite out a professor or a fellow leader and learn about each other. Thank someone who has helped you.
These prizes were not solicited from businesses, my friends, hard working folks who work regular jobs like teachers, chaplains and a couple who work here at UofT gave me their hard earned money for the purpose of helping a student who was just like them. I come here today with over $500 in prizes given freely just by asking - hey guys can we help out others the way we were helped 15 years ago?
And so I leave you with a question - will you be a sheep or a lion? Will you follow or will you lead? The choice is yours, if you choose to lead, I'd be glad to help.
A special thanks to all my friends who donated prizes to this event.
2011 Follow-up. A google alert turned up this blog post.
Nice to know an impact is made now and then.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I am thankful for you!

I've recently been gearing up, 2 years for a move.
From this comfy place to.... I don't know what.
One of my favorite bands writes the lyric
"She's like a baby, I'm like a cat
when we are happy, we both get fat"
in a song entitled "never enough".
There are those for whom it's never enough.
I convinced myself that "those people want stuff"
A mentor recently helped me to see that good things can kill you too.

I was in Vancouver this past weekend.
Groomsmen in the wedding of a good friend.
Had a full day to walk and think.
Sorry, I can't say enough about this book.
Just check it out if you are someone who fights for change.
Ask yourself if even good things can have a trace of poison.
Like apple or cherry seeds in large amounts.
It was Van

I don't know why, but I had loaded my mp3 player with very thoughtful songs from this band from my youth.
On this day in a Starbucks ( don't ask which one, there is one every 500 meters in Vancity ) I had a great conversation with a resident of the city of "change".

A peer taking a risk. It was exhilarating.
Easy to forget the vitality of authenticity.
It's Canadian thanksgiving.
I'm thankful this year for those who share with me so I can learn. As they discover and rediscover the power of being poor, starting over, taking professional risks, the value of money, of the little things, realizing how we allow so many distractions to keep us away from what's important.
What we want Vs. What we need
If you haven't seen Brewster's Millions. See it soon.
Flat-screen wanting, ipad chasing, car loving, foodies, artsies - zombies.
*ahem* no judgment. I'm speaking about me, not you.
Thank you to those who help me learn, stay focused, push forward and be better.
Thank you to those who help me focus on what's important, and slow down.

I hope there is someone out there
for whom I am this person.
Who gets your vote Toronto?

Democracy is a contact sport.
It's never pretty. But. You got to pay to play.
Sometimes you're the guy standing, sometimes, the guy on the floor ( or woman ).
Life is risk, getting out of bed is risk.
You can't com

So, every election I vote in. I volunteer.
For a candidate or if I'm on the fence, for the elections body.
This time. I can't sit it out.
My candidate was always Rocco Rossi in my heart. He just never came through. Today Rocco released me, and stepped down.
Look at this guy.
Read th

I've met him, listened to him, been to debates, watched and listened to dozens.
I don't care about his past indiscretions. He's human and his honesty about himself is indeed refreshing. But what about those thoughts and beliefs?
He's everything I fear in humanity.
He says exactly what we're all thinking.
In our bigoted, racist, truly elitist, car-loving, planet-killing, hateful hearts.
I'm talking about me, not you.
I can't go there, won't go there.
Georgie, I've put on the purple tie. Let's go.
Anyone care to come along?
Dear network, I will always respect your decision.
But I can't respect no decision.
Ten days Toronto. Let's do it.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Phone power!

People tell me this is what my current phone looks like to them. The damn phone doesn't's what you DO with it.
Anyone who works in any form of "client service" knows...
You live and die by the phone.
My second summer in University I got a job that changed my life.
I was working for a famous guy named Ed Mirvish. A King of a man who valued customer service above all. We were renewing subscriptions for this theatre ticket business. His

Later in University I would go on to excel in raising funds on the phone and ended up with a 100% success rate. They had me training fellow students soon after.
My work in philanthropy had me connecting with donors across Canada. With no real travel budget, it was all about the phone. Now ten years later. It Still is.
Young(er) professionals I meet need work on interpersonal skills. This can indeed be taught through networking interaction but what about the phone?
Sure the big corporations train their people but not many else provide this important training. I have finally met someone who not only does it, but does it using the best methods I've ever heard of.
Attending a networking dinner at a private women's executive club in Toronto (Verity - If you're a female executive, wow, look into this) I was astonished to hear the amazing method of using actors trained as coaches to take phone interaction and feedback to the very highest level.
I can't think of an industry that can't use this critical skill.
Can yours?

If so, call Amy.
If you ever want to talk phone skills. Give me a call.
One of my biggest secrets is that at every job I could, ever since Ed. I've bought myself a headset. Sure it means of often get made fun of by co-workers because I look like this guy.

But I spend over 2 hours a day on the phone.
No RSI injuries for me and I get results.
Thank you Plantronics!
Anyone who knows me knows I prefer face to face.
In this digital world everyone is trying to tell me tweeting is talking. Please.
We all know.....the phone rules.