Thursday, March 30, 2006
Jobs for Networking Events

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Is Newer Always Better?

Most of us have heard of the virtual tour, that being the ability, via the Internet, to see a video of the inside of a home, without leaving ours. Arlene shared that those tend to have fishbowl type distortions. Recently she has been introduced to FloorPlan Online. Instead of the movie version, there is a measured sketch of the layout of the house showing room dimensions. Within this diagram are small camera icons. Clicking on one gives a snapshot of the room from that point in the room. Now you'd think that a still shot instead of a "moving scene" would be less desirable, and more dated technology. For whatever reason, Arlene says that this new offering is helping her to move toward her 3 million dollar goal. Sometimes old is just better than new.
What older version do you value over the newest most up-to-date offering?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Target Market Narrows the Focus And Widens the Opportunities
Greg Peters, Cyber Data Solutions, is focusing on the non-profit sector for the website development and maintenance he provides. He shared that usually at Chamber events he introduces himself by saying that he develops websites. No one has ever come up to him asking him how he might work with them. Recently his introduction included the part about focusing on non-profits. At that event three people came up and asked for help.
Dave Achen, Brennen Financial Group, looked at his client base and found that during his 33 years as a financial planner, he had become a "master of ones." He realized that in having s

If you were to choose a market to target, how would you describe it?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Interesting Folks

This vacation was no different. There are always favorites each year and this year it was Jackie (or Jackson as she is professionally known) Hunsicker. Jackie is a television and movie writer, inventor, and two time cancer survivor. As a result of the last description, she is about to publish a book entitled Turning Heads: Portraits of Grace, Inspiration, and Possibilities (Paperback). It's already listed at Amazon.com, but won't be published till May. It can be pre-ordered now so you won't miss this inspiring book.
Jackie' s reason for publishing the book is to show the beauty of women who have lost their hair during cancer treatment. Jackie shared, "I'm sick of this inner beauty nonsense!" She shared that most women have the same immediate response when being hit with the cancer diagnosis; that thought of, "Oh no, I'm going to lose my hair." Jackie did not make this book coffee table sized, because she wants it to be easily passed on to those who need to know that they too can be beautiful as they are going through treatment. Hats (and scarves) off to Jackie!
With whom would you like to share a copy of this book?
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
I'll Be Thinking of You, Promise!

Where is your ideal vacation. What makes it so?
Who Finds Business for You?

What was so interesting about this conversation was that Chuck had been seated next to Dave Musteric during the training. Dave owns a franchise for Fish Window Cleaning. His best targets are restaurants because they want to get their windows cleaned regularly. Who would think that a window cleaner, a flooring person and the owner of a graphics & print house would be great referral sources for each other? But they are!
Who is an unlikely referral source for you?
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Now I'm Ready for Vacation For Sure!

What rituals do you have when you think about vacation?
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Organized Networking
Let me set the scene. Over 100 people attended. The meeting starts at
The two leaders of WEN, Linda Everhardt Kardux and Linda Lucas Fayerweather have all of us very well trained. Linda EK always announces that she needs to hear three things from each of us; 1) our name, 2) our company or who we represent and 3) how the rest of the group can help us. Focused, no fluff. Linda also rules with her trusty electronic timer. When we hear the beep-beep-beep, it is time to sit down and shut up! How can 20 seconds be productive? One reason is that members and guests take notes as each person is giving their commercial. At the end they can connect with those who were of interest.
At the conclusion of the formal meeting my guest, Penny Brubaker, who is a water treatment specialist for Culligan of Nothwest Ohio, had several people approach her wanting to meet her. They weren't selling to her, but trying to figure out how they each can help the other. That is the tone at a WEN meeting, and I'm darn proud of it. Networking can have such a negative reputation when it is confused with selling, but the WEN women (and men) know what it's all about.
What groups do you belong to that provide a platform for efficient networking?