Wow! What a great meeting we had today! I had to write this letter while I was still full of inspiration and motivation from Renate's talk.
Thank you to everyone who joined us, we had a super turn-out!
Our new members are:
Michele Dinga, Stardust Candle stardustcandle.ca
Susan Aitken, District Leader, PartyLite Gifts Canada partylite.biz/friendshelpingfriends
WELCOME! Our membership is now at 21!
What's the BUZZ all about?!
Well, that has to be Renate Weiler! I'm sure you will all agree that this wonderful lady is truly amazing. I know we all left the meeting today taking with us some very useful information about how to effectively network ourselves and our business. We have a new respect for the power of networking.
WORKSHOP - Renate has graciously offered to come and visit us again this time for a 3 hour workshop. You know how informative Renate's 1/2 hour talk was today, imagine what we can learn in 3 hours! The cost for this workshop would be roughly $79.00 plus tax and we are planning to hold it at the end of October - location to be determined. Please let me know if you or anyone you know would be interested so we can decide whether or not to go ahead with the plans.
If you would like to learn more about Renate please visit her website at http://www.renateweiler.com
GUEST SPEAKER FOR OCTOBER - LESLIE TRAILL I know I have talked and talked about Leslie over the last month and I am pleased to announce that she will be speaking at our October meeting. Leslie is an Astrologer, Meditation Coach, Speaker and Author and I know you won't want to miss this meeting! Please visit Leslie's website at leslietraill.com to find out more about Leslie and her services.
NEWSLETTER: I hope everyone got a chance to pick up and browse through our fist WiN Newsletter. Advertising in the newsletter is a FREE benefit for all WiN members. I will be sending out the Newsletter electronically in a couple of days because I wanted to give members who haven't sent their ads in to me an opportunity to do so for the electronic version.
INTERNET SEMINAR: Sue Sutcliffe of AWebThatWorks.com and memeber of WiN will be speaking about 101 FREE (or almost FREE) Ways to Market Yourself Using the Internet. Her flyer is in the Newsletter as well as attached. To be held from 6:30pm to 9:00pm, October 4th, Centennial Building, Whitby. If you are a first time guest of the Durham Home & Small Business Association the cost is FREE and parking is FREE! Let's support our WiN member, if anyone is interested in attending let me know and we can travel as a group!
To lean more go to: www.dhsba.com
THANK YOU'S: We had some wonderful door prizes donated for todays meeting. Thank you to Renate Weiler for donating her book titled "Get A Grip", Barb Leffering- Quilt-A-Grafix for her table runner quilting kit, Bonnie Toms - Bonnie's Lamshades for her beautiful crystalized ornament, Gloria Broad-Mary Kay for her "Pamper Yourself" gift bag and Michele Dinga - Stardust Candle for her scented votives.
Special thanks to Glenda Ashby-Maid In Canada and Gloria Broad-Mary Kay for helping me with the registration and 50/50 draw.
Wishing all of you much success. Hope to see you all next month!
Heather Chapman
WiN founder and owner of ExcluZiv Marketing
excluziv.ca 705-786-1550