Friday, September 12, 2008

STOP Networking?

Okay, here's the deal.

Most people in the US are experiencing a challenging economy, either through loss of a job or increased prices.

Those who have lost a job or are making a job change, need to continue to network.

I recently had scheduled an appointment for two people to be intro'd to each other. Just before the appointment was to happen, one let me know that she is changing jobs and that she needed to cancel the appointment.


I realize that maybe the conversation might change but each person has a reason to continue to connect.

  • The job changer needs to continue to develop relationships to help with the new job. Cutting off this line of communication is a real mistake.

  • The job changer still has something to give -- their resources don't change and those very resources may still help the person they were supposed to meet. Even though your career path may have hit a bumpy road, you still are a valuable person.3. Networking within your industry, (if you want to stay within that industry) is where your going to hear the grapevine news about job availability.

  • Job-seekers or job-changers cannot be cave dwellers. Even when you just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head, push yourself to call someone to schedule a time to chat.

Remember, they may need your attention more than you need theirs.

Make a difference and find that next position!

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