Our October WiN meeting is Thursday, October 7th. Joyce McCulloch of FreeLife will be our guest speaker - full details below. Please let me know if you will be attending.
If you are interested in having a table at the Christmas Bazaar/Tradeshow please let me know. The cost is $5 which will be donated to a local charity.
Also, remember to bring in your empty wine bottles for JobsRUs, they provide a wonderful service and support to those with intellectual challenges and their families within the Kawartha Lakes area.
I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
Warm regards,
Heather Chapman
Independent Silpada Designs Representative
Earning Free Jewellery could never be so much fun!
Contact me to find out more about
- Silpada's Sterling Silver Jewellery
- The benefits of Hosting a Silpada Party
- Silpada Designs Business Opportunity

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