Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Person to Person

I make personal least most of the time.

Why do I use my time this way?

When I'm part of the process, I get benefits, too!

Scheduling time for three busy people to get together can be a challenge, but I feel the reward of the respect I get from the other two in the equation. Additionally, when I'm in the meeting, at first I do the talking to introduce (and describe why I thought the two should meet), but then they take over. It is always amazing how much more I learn about these two people, both of whom I think I know pretty well. It usually turns out, that there is a whole side of them that I don't know.

Just yesterday, I introduced my friend Sara North to Andrew Sprenger, a personal trainer. She asked great questions of Andrew that I had never thought to ask him before, including if he is insured. What I learned will help me to better refer him in the future.

Networking is all about connecting. While the typical Business After Hours scenario comes to mind when I hear the N word, it is not always that way. After all, it is about two people developing a relationship or taking a current one to a higher level. No matter what the scene, I want to be part of the introduction for a selfish reason -- it's helps to take my relationship with both people to a much higher level. Shush, don't tell anyone.

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