Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lesson From a Snowflake

Last night I was preparing my 60 second (in my chapter we get 45 seconds) sales manager minute for my BNI meeting this morning. Because of a mid-sized winter storm, I had been able to look out my office window at a beautiful white blanket, instead of the usual farmer's brown field. NW Ohio is much prettier with snow, than without! But I think I am very much in the minority with that opinion.

I started to think about how a snowflake is very much like a referral partner. First you have to find the one with the right design for you. Then as when something like a tree or fence slows the rate of speed of the flakes, they clump together to form the magnificent drifts. With referral partners, taking the time to get to develop a stronger relationship, delivers a similar result. If done properly, soon there is a drift of qualified referrals coming your way. Yes, it is a factor of time spent with this person, but it is also the slowing of life. Most of us have to operate at the speed of light without a thought of how to help someone. It's the pause that makes the difference.

What do you think makes a productive referral partner?

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