I track my networking efforts each week with a tool from the Certified Networker training program. It gives points for certain task that I do.
Now, believe me, in the past when I ran into one of those old-fashioned, sales point systems, I RAN!
They never seemed to take into account the personality or the abilities of the individual.
Instead the sales manager would say, "Okay, from this point on we're all going to accumulate 50 points per week and of those 10 will come from cold calling, 10 from phone calling, 20 from appointments and 10 from mailers."
I hate authority that is mindless. The above system would have me rebelling in three seconds. But that's a whole 'nuther story!
Back to the points I track. I like this system, because no one tells me what to do. I choose where I get my points and how I accumulate them. I also choose how many points I need to accumulat

The most challenging area for me to gain points should be the easiest. Calling someone in my network of friends and acquaintances is where I always fall short. I have tried to analyze my reticence and think I have picked up on a few answers.
It takes time to have a conversation. But then I love meeting with people in person.
It's more impersonal. But phone conversations can be more confidential than those in person.
I think I'm bothering people. But they wouldn't answer their phone if they didn't want to be bothered.
They'll think I'm calling to sell to them. But I don't do that in person.
What is it?????? Why do I have this block??????