Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Jumble About Networking

Yesterday we had our monthly Certified Networker NETWORKING lunch.

It is always so much fun to get a group of grads together and watch them connect and try to help each other out. This month we were at a slightly different level, as we invited guests. That is something we do just once per year. We had almost 60 people attending. It made for a very full room!

Several observations.

1) We always do introductions. Beside including name and company there is a new question each month for each person to answer. Today's question was, "What was the best business advice you've ever been given?"

Last month's query was, "What movie character do you think best describes you and give us the title of the movie."

What I am beginning to realize is that just one question gives us insight to that person. Try it with group introductions sometime and tell me what you think.

2) Having such a question also is freeing. It seems that once people stop focusing on trying to give us the best verbal sales intro possible, they relax and let themselves shine through. As Scott Ginsberg would say, "They become so much more approachable."

3) Connected to number 2 is something I read in the paper tonight about Katie Couric maybe having some second thoughts about her change to nightly news anchor seeing that she continues to sit in third place in the ratings. My feeling about this is: The producers (or directors or whoever is in charge) are not letting Katie shine through. She is attempting to project something she is not. The few times I have seen her, she doesn't entice me to listen because she is bland, seemingly sullen, and very sober. Even her clothing is unimaginative. Now I don't mean that she has to be a Chatty Cathy, but I would like to see a Katie smile from time to time. She is the opposite of approachable.

So there you have it, all the networking thoughts in a thimble! Comments?

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