Monday, August 20, 2007

Does Your Message Stick?

Within the last couple days I had to buy some bandaids. Since my kids are all grown I haven't had to restock in some time.


What I thought was going to be an easy purchase, turned mind-boggling.

Bandaids just aren't bandaids anymore.

I would hazard a guess that there are fourteen or fifteen different varieties of these little patches.

Do you want cloth, breathable, antibiotic infused, waterproof, shaped to surround, non-stickable, round, small, large, etc. And this doesn't take into consideration the "kids" bandaids with the most favored cartoon or movie character emblazoned on them.

I have to tell you that at first I tried to figure out which was the best version for me, but then my mind went on overload. I ended up buying the store generic brand (the cheapest) of a flexible variety.

As I walked out of the store after paying for my purchase, it occurred to me that none of the brands stood out. Each one was copying the other. And as a result my purchase became motivated by what was cheapest.

Do you stand out enough so that when a referral source talks about you and your uniqueness to a possible prospect, the immediate response is, "Yep, get'em in here. It sounds like she has just what we have been looking for."

If you were a bandaid, what would make you different from the rest?

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