Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Other 10 Rules

David Lorms, an association consultant, commented in my post about loneliness and joining groups. He said that he felt that associations also had to be held accountable for the way in which they support each member's successful membership. So here are:

10 Rules for Associations (or Groups) to Connect With Members

1. Above all, have a process to welcome visitors or guests to meetings and events. Make them feel like they've done you a huge favor by attending. (They have!)

2. Give membership information to guests, but just don't hand them a packet and expect them to read it. Set aside time and assign a person to go through the material. That person can also encourage the guest to apply.

3. When a new person actually joins, have a system for welcoming them. The best way is a phone call, and next best is an email.

4. Assign a buddy or mentor to help the new member get to know the ins and outs of the group.

5. The director or another "official" person should meet with the new member to find out the what the new member wants to accomplish as a result of her membership.

6. The new member should be asked what she would like to contribute to the group. Harvest their newbie energy early.

7. If there is an official orientation or educational offering, help the new member to schedule for those events. Send a seasoned member with the newbie to these events.

8. Determine which of the seasoned members should be introduced to the newer member. Linking them will help them to be more successful, which in turn will help the group to be more successful.

9. If the group has a newsletter, list new members with their contact information. We all like to see our name up in lights!

10. Ask the new members what, if anything, you could have done better or more of to make their transition from newbie to seasoned as seamless as possible.

Two organizations I belong to, BNI and WEN both do all or most of the above rules. They are both thriving. One group I am a member of, does not adhere to many of the above. They are not so successful. Hmmm, I wonder if there is any connection?

David, if you are reading this, what rules would you add?

For the rest of you, please chime in too.

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