One reason I stopped in Pittsburgh on my way to the Scranton area on vacation, was to help my good friend, Deanna Tucci Schmit, launch a
Master Mind group. She had heard the original presentation about such groups by Jane Pollard, at the
Women's Entrepreneurial Network annual business conference several years ago. As a result of the presentation, seven women formed a Master Mind group here in Toledo and we've been meeting for going on three years now. Of course, Deanna has heard me rave about my group.
The Pittsburgh

group of eight (Linda Schmucher is missing from the pictures because she was working out of town that day.) that I met with wanted to know more before they commit

ted to such a venture. I shared the fun, the accountability, the challenges and the new friendships that have formed because of my MM. I must have said something right because they decided to meet and actually met for the first time on the same day our Master Mind group met in July. That was last Friday. I can't wait to hear what happened!
I usually try to prepare for

my Master Mind meeting in advance. Because of vacation and all the fifth

anniversary events associated with
Certified Networker of Ohio, I did not have time to prepare. We need to be efficient with our time, because we only dedicate two hours to this monthly event.
Even so, off the top of my head I was able to come up with four goals to accomplish. One was to work in my garden all day Saturday.
Accomplished! The second was to meet with five prospects every week. I have met with three prospects so far this week and no more are on the books.....yet! Because of that goal, I seem to have this little voice inside my head that is saying, "Schedule more appointments! Schedule more appointments!"
Today I am going to a sales seminar hosted by the Home Builders Association, the Women's Council of Realtors and Liberty Title. You can bet that I will have my appointment tool with me to help me to achieve that goal.
And isn't that part of good networking? Having my tools with me at all times?
Are you part of an accountability group? Which one? Does it work well for you?