Monday, February 25, 2008

Just a Quickie

Whew, those last three posts were really long! But Leadership Toledo rocks and so I wanted to let the rest of the world know how great the program is!

Some networking thoughts from today.

I met with a new business acquaintance who is also new to the networking scene.

She kept "getting it" as we talked.

It was kind of funny, but still nice funny. Ever so often during the conversation about how to create more business for herself, she'd ask, "but how do I get them interested in me????" Then I'd see the ole' slap the forehead signal, meaning "Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's got to be about them! WIFM."

Another person, who shall remain anonymous, said that she wants more business, but she doesn't want to do anything differently than what she's doing now. And NOW isn't working for her. Hmmmm.

And finally I met with a new prospect for the Board of Action for the Certified Networker community. She was the ultimate in putting off taking the CN class, because she was positive it wouldn't work -- or actually she wanted proof that it would work. She will now step into the shoes of helping people just like her to join the CN community! Thanks Allison.

Tidbits, that's all you get today.

So what's up with you?

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